Sunday, May 1, 2011

Are Any Of The Tna Knockouts Gay


19 reasons to vote for Ollanta (and with some joy) Alvaro Vargas Llosa

1] With Fujimori, moral learning of the Peruvian elite, which has invested values \u200b\u200band believes that freedom and human rights are a lunacy, is interrupted. Raise the banana republic.

2] With Fujimori, the "model" will be the preserve of certain hucksters: gangster commercialism is the negation of a free economy. The annual growth of democratic decade was three times higher than the 90.

3] With Fujimori will cancel the possibility that poor people regain their dignity: the method to communicate with them 90 was in dependence, forced sterilization, and the lime pit.

4] Under Fujimori, the terror will be installed in companies, editorial offices and courts. The firings, threats and chapters in leading media group and radio are an abracadabra Arequipa advance. The Fujimori is not an idea or project is a method. The method of Al Capone (without the detail of the cigar).

5] With Fujimori, we ensure that the Judge César San Martín, a luxury for the Judiciary, abominable suffering persecution.

6] The condition ethical, political and intellectual Fujimori Botafumeiro enough to know where there is be. For your hire economists copycats, its imported television Harlequins (with "dumping") and was thought pelafustanes cyber Borges's phrase: "He had trained in the habit of pretending that it was not someone to discover his condition as one" .

7] The candidate for first vice-president Fujimori is a coup. The candidate for second vice president is almost fascist and equally foolish. In terms of authoritarianism, "almost" is an aggravating and "dumb" redundant.

8] In countries where things are in place, the prison does not govern the inmate. The Diroes is now the property of the Fujimori. The danger is not that the candidate is free to the parent but the parent lattice to the daughter and the whole country.

9] Ollanta, there is a greater guarantee of democracy. If he commits an excess, you jump right to the neck. If Fujimori committed a crime, right applaud like seals.

10] Ollanta, the "model" might acquire more social legitimacy. There were two American events in the last decade: the expansion of the middle class and the modernization of part of the left. If Ollanta, under pressure, gives the final leap, Peru will join a list of art. The development is not possible without a left liberal.

11], and assuming Ollanta modernization definitively close the way to future populist strongmen. In Brazil, Chile, Uruguay and El Salvador, the moderate left has undermined the emergence of enlightened leaders.

12] The worst defeats of Hugo Chávez has not done the right but the left. Criticism of the Uruguayan José Mujica of Venezuela on the day of his inauguration, and now, the breaking of Paraguay Fernando Lugo in Caracas Venezuela have further isolated. Why give him on a plate now that Ollanta has denied? A Latin American statesman who has to know just how secure a private meeting with a large European media group: "I personal knowledge: Ollanta not follow the line of Chavez. "

13] For some difficult reforms, the left can be bolder than the right. Mujica in Uruguay has just proposed school vouchers, subsidies to educational demand, and has embraced the opening Lugo in Paraguay: thanks to foreign investors, their small country just beat Argentina's beef exports. Ricardo Lagos in Chile opened trade rather than the dictatorship of Pinochet.

14] In times of democratic resistance, I had to get to Ollanta in the hotel that served as headquarters. He and his wife wanted to be linked to the cause which led Toledo. The Peru was divided between those who fought at a disadvantage for freedom and those who had been stabbed in the back. His instinct at that time was accurate border. Its serious bugs later, it paid in 2006, do not remove it.

15] The next President will touch you deal with the ruling of The Hague on the maritime dispute with Chile. If for some reason the ruling proves unfavorable to Peru, Ollanta is preferable constrained by the responsibilities of State.

16] is much more healthy to have a Alan García Ollanta making opposition to that understanding with a government of Fujimori to charge for services rendered.

17] Peru Posible despite the contortions of these days, Ollanta give the necessary majority to govern. That will be one of the best guarantees that adheres to constitutional limits.

18] has emerged an opportunity to make the emergence of the fascist threat in the chance of an understanding between the left and liberals. There are historical precedents. In 1989, the coalition of conservatives and communists in Greece ended with a corrupt government. In Mexico, the PRD and the PAN's Felipe Calderón, with common applications, have ousted the PRI in several states and may be together in the presidential election. In England, Liberal Democrats (left) and moderate conservatives have prevented the continuity together.

19] Ollanta is the possibility that democracy is to straighten the twisted Democrats in 10 years. Are responsible for this recycled entrepreneurs reporters enfeoffed the mafia, politicians allied with them to resolve their disputes with other Democrats stupid, stolen monies were not fully repatriated and many accomplices who "went piola" (for using a argentinismo) without being processed. Why did Alexis de Tocqueville: "The habit of inattention must be considered the greatest vice of democracy." If Ollanta wins, democracy be sure to provide pinpoint attention in the future.


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