Monday, May 9, 2011

11 Year Old Shows Boobs.jpg

income tax for the church The Church receives annually 10,000 million from public coffers

The calculation, Secular Europe, including transfers to education and health concerted


"Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God ", they say that Jesus told the Pharisees in first century Galilee two millennia later, the Catholic Church in Spain continues forgetting the evangelical maxim, and this year has already achieved the "Caesar" over 10,000 million euros in various concepts. An average of 200 euros per capita, whether or not a believer, you see how this important number is drawn from the budgets of public administrations (State, regions, councils and municipalities).

forthcoming Studies also conclude that canceling subsidies Church would not be necessary to expand retirement at age 67.

All this, without games "exceptional" like this coming August will direct at least 60 million euros (in cash or in kind ) to cover the costs of security, cleanliness, organization and assignment of land for the celebration of World Youth Day, Benedict XVI will bring to Madrid and has been declared by the government as an "event of special interest." This means new tax privileges for the Church to partner companies of the act. The Executive has already announced he will make every effort to make the visit a success. By the way, the director general of the Day, Yago de la Cierva, was charged last Sunday, after the beatification of John Paul II in Rome, to remind the Government that they expected, at least, the enthusiasm shown by the Italian premier, Silvio Berlusconi , at the time of rollover to the event. "The Italian government has made very high bar for Spain" , said de la Cierva.

yesterday, 8,000 young people gathered at the pavilion Madrid Arena, managed by a public company, to celebrate the countdown to an event that hopes to bring Madrid to two million young people. In his homily to the volunteers of the August day, the Archbishop of Madrid, Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, called the event "new Pentecost" and called young people to participate in the new crusade around Benedict XVI. "The task we have undertaken to serve the Church and its youth ministry, is material and spiritual proportions not common, immeasurable!" He said.

One of the items coming through the famous box of the Church in the income statement, which last year contributed to the coffers of the institution, directly, over 250 million euros. Social Purpose

To this we must add at least another 80 million that the Church get through the x of "other social purpose" of benefiting Catholic NGO projects. An amount that is not relevant considering the total public donations to the Church, but it does reflect the persistence of certain privileges incompatible with the secular state and, in some cases, date back to the nineteenth century .

Ecclesiastical Law Experts like Oscar Dionisio Llamazares Celador or criticize the church hierarchy "living income from the confiscation of Mendizabal (1822), and current church-state agreements which establish public financing of the Church, although elcompromiso also this, ever fulfilled, to work in self-financing are "unconstitutional" .

This situation also creates inequalities with other faiths. In practice, the Catholic Church is the only religion with public funding. Jews, Muslims and Protestants are divided only 6 million euros (through the Foundation for Pluralism and Coexistence), while the Catholic Church receives more than 10,000. Others

these considerations, the church hierarchy has launched a campaign that encourages taxpayers, Catholic or not, to mark the two boxes of Revenue, which means taking 1.44% of tax, half to the Church and the other half to "Other Purposes." "Do not pay more, do not return less," says the motto of this year.

Campaign "austere"

Episcopal manager, Fernando Giménez, argues that this is a new campaign "austere and imaginative", which stresses "the invaluable work of the Church by the company without asking anything in return" .

campaign that the Church works with immigrants, prisoners, orphans and the elderly. However, the reality is that all funds raised by the bishops with the famous square will cover the Catholic religion, the salaries of priests and Security Social clergy. In fact, although his example and his social role appear in the box ads ecclesiastical Catholic NGOs receiving assistance through the box for Social Interest Other . Giménez

insisted that make the X of the Church "is betting on the family values \u200b\u200beducation, people development and to combat the crisis." A crisis that, to date, has not affected the coffers of the institution, which in the past two years has seen the amount received from the income tax went from 140 million euros to 253.4 million.

Where does the money go? The budgets of the Episcopal Conference indicate that the amount of the box is dedicated to paying the salaries of the priests. Although not everyone thinks the same. Secular Europe report how much the hierarchy of the Church as Catholic organizations funded through the social purposes, "spent part of their resources to cover expensive campaigns to promote sexual repression, discrimination based on gender or sexual orientation the freedom of women, against scientific or against euthanasia and death with dignity. " Discrimination

For years, different institutions, secular and religious (Christian Networks Europe from Lay) call for the elimination the box of the Church in personal income tax, which they consider "discrimination for taxpayers who do not show any spots," says the theologian Evaristo Villar. For his part, President of Europe Secular, Francisco Delgado, argues that "under the current system, the State violates Article 31 of the Constitution which states that all citizens should contribute to the maintenance of public expenditure on an equal footing."

To mark the start of the campaign of personal income tax, Secular Europe has demanded the Government to eliminate the box in the Catholic Church, since it "reflects the State's preferential support to the Catholic religion and discriminate against citizens that even as believers do not want to fund Catholic church, for those who are followers of other religions and to all those who have no religion. "Secular Europe

also rejects the box tax allocation for social purposes, because "what is collected for this purpose is given to Catholic organizations and foundations, of why the Catholic hierarchy to check both boxes anime" , as well happen this year.

After more than 30 years of democracy and effective a Constitution which provides that "no religion shall have a state character, the relations between the Catholic Church and the English State have not changed substantially, although the influence of this on society is less.

The increased funding of the Church by the state and economic privileges, legal and political, which shows that he still enjoys "We hid in a confessional state", according to Lay Europe. Far away, at least, the separation which claimed Jesus of Nazareth. And is that Caesar, often, is too close to God


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