That object in your room is the most important to you?: My lap and my mp4
- You are good at hiding your feelings?: No I believe =) jajja with a blog, Twitter, Hi5, a FB ... 8-)
- Have you ever donated blood: no ..= (dicennn q q you weigh more than 50 x) just tngo 49: p
- The first thing I thought today: sh ...! Easter .. 4 days of idleness! ¬ ¬! q laziness
- How long is your hair?: I had it, but in a fit of madness, finish at the height of my shoulders ...
- You're addicted to something?: Sii to Trident Mora or fresaaa =)
- Took a nap today: in the afternoon sii! said ... 2 hours 30 minutes and woke up after
- you social or anti-social?: A little of both: O. .. I will be Bipolar?
- you had brakets?: Fortunately
...= D - What you wear to bed?: In hot weather ... I sleep in boxer: p
- Do you trust people?: If q and a lot ... sometimes I think about ExED but I like =)
- Who was the first person you talked to today and why? : with my mom woke me up .... par change?
- will you do to end this test?: Keep my fucking VADEMECUM!
- What is your problem recently?: Existential problems as diria xD Gab ... .. and the unfortunate vademecum of parasite and drug ..¬¬!
- Because your parents put the name you bear?: Lol .. I do not know: O
- If you could have a surname, it is, would it be?: mmm AMARI call Stephanie Seeley Wendy .. (Andrew eresss =)..... TOO jajaj: P)
- believe in God, there are q ... =) And I think for the unlucky: p
- Why did you meet this test?: I wanted to find something for the blog : P
- I think important: X) is not self-centered if I answer q if ):..? xD
- You think your life revolves around drama?: Jajjajaj half the time xD
- Serious boyfriend to someone of the same sex?: For Nothing: p
- What are your 2 favorite colors ?: Gold ... and lately the fucsiaaa =)
- Have you ever loved someone told you not want to see you again: no: p usually me who say that: p jajjaa
- do you prefer, call or texting?: jajaj very often if he could balance the text but as not to alert the NEXTEL xD .. or else x Fb: p
- That was the last thing that made you sad?: People remember the q qizá gave them too much and now not needed ... q
- last article thing you drank?: Water ...
- who will have for dinner?: Qiero a KFC when or if!
- What breakfast?: Yogurt + chips: p
- Last song you heard?: Lovely - Chris Brown
- Who saw today: x be Easter, to my parents and my Sister ¬ ¬ ! and Nikki xD q me up with a lick .. perraaa evil x)
- Have you ever fallen asleep in the arms of someone: hahaha yeah, almost always
- Someone hates you?: I think so:) is mutual! haha ... lol I do not think you'll be indifferent q: p as it is today ...
- You think you all deserve a second chance?: As they say there is no second first! (8) ...
- you asked them to give you a second chance?: ... 8-) ...
- What are your plans for next year?: Qiero viajarrr to Italiae mierdaaaa .. is it too much to ask?? mi (l) .. alla qdo amoo this country! :)
- Your parents are over 30?: Sip: p -
have siblings older than 21 years: no: p I'm only child .. =) Another niñaaa but there does not appear to confirm the DNA q: p jajajja
- What do you next week: qiero a Teqilada with Anaclaw, sparks =)
- do you ever changed clothes in a car?: Jajjaja no: p
- I like hugs ?: muchoo sii: d if people are higher q I (ok most: p) ...
- When was the last time you laughed?: Recently reading the blog of Gab =)
- You are a loud person?: Jajajja not much: p
- to ask for Christmas?: Going to Italy ..=) q Nikky tnga Tattum Channing puppies at a meeting of Striptis: p
- will you do tomorrow?: zm vademecum advance Puto!
- When was the last time you fell or hit something?: Mmm yesterday with the tail of a miserable cow: p
- Who makes you angry?, Hamner ¬ ¬! tell every idiot .. hahaha but tqiero iwal =)
- Is there someone you have changed your life?: si = D
- What made you happy today?: no: p I q no jajaja x)
- I have embraced in the last 5 days?: yeah =)
- What time did you wake up today: 8:05 xD - You live with your parents?: Unfortunately I kept sii x x)]
- Ever wanted to do something you can not have?: sii .. long time = (
- are you listening?: I can not stop loving you-Kalimba (LLOROOOO)
- Your phone is on your side?: Seee
- you think someone is thinking about you right now?: I q sii : P
- Who was the last person you talked on the phone?: with my dad .. for a change I wonder if I swept the house ¬ ¬!
- You got a friend who is like a sibling to you?: If Ana Claudia Marquez, Juan Manuel Arturo Baltazar Saenz and Fabiola Galloso Susan Baca, and Lin Daylan Acuña Gálvez
- You think you're an alcoholic : no ...
- Something you have to say to the second your top?: if ... I love you:)
- The last time you talked to your brother?: 30 minutes ago
- Regularly you tell people when they hurt you?: Normally I always do
- Been to a wedding? : yes .. but qiero as mine is on the beach: d
- What else?: qiero a KFC, or qizá go to Starbucks! to buy and watch .. (Babas!) jajjaa
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