On Saturday 30 August, the Zocalo was dressed in white, that caused by the frequent and overwhelming insecurity being experienced in the country.
Once started the march from the Angel of Independence to the Zocalo, the road continues against current on Madero Street to watch the kind of people who came there.
Sanborns Arriving at Blue Jays (Madero Central Axis corner), I stopped to pay more attention. It was there that a man called about 60 years attracted the attention of those present at the time when people dressed in white passed with blankets, this man named Elisha Anor, erupted in shouts and protests within the "harmony protester. " Part of what I cried in front of hundreds of people, is what is presented below:
AFD: Hi, good afternoon, ladies, I'm a student at FES Aragon and I want to do an interview about this march. Mr. Eliseo
: Okay, show me your identification. AFD
: Of course, here it is.
Mr. Eliseo : Ah! UNAM, go ahead. AFD
: Do you think this march is going to count for something?
Mr. Eliseo : Not at all ma'am, this is hypocrisy, representatives of the anvil on the right and entrepreneurs, the rich class, that is useless. AFD
: Do you think then that only defends the rights of "some"?
Mr. Elisha Sure!, Because if not, was in jail Calderón, who stole the presidency of the Republic and has sparked all this, because he commanded the army and police to attack the drug dealers supposedly dead and dying innocents, then it just because you stop. Was already in jail Mouriño, because it is the offender confessed, stole more than a hundred contracts being official contracts with PEMEX that are benefiting him and his family under power. The person is in jail
Elba Esther Gordillo, murders of teachers, was Romero Deschamps, who gave Labastida billion dollars for his campaign from oil, the oil union, quota of workers. Was in jail Ulises Ruiz, Oaxaca's murderer, was in jail "precious governor," which violated the rights of Lydia Cacho, Eduardo was in jail Gurtz, were in jail all white collar criminals who stole the Fobaproa money, while those of Atenco were given sentences unjust, inhuman, more than one hundred years in prison, as is the case of Del Valle.
AFD: For you, it is gathered up all the people of Mexico, or just a part of it? Mr. Elisha
: These are the people!, The people are we who we love our country, these are representatives of the oligarchy of the powerful. But the people, then this is useless and will not solve the major problem will be solved when there is less poverty, when education, health for all, justice for the people and there is no impunity, not bullets . Calderón is very wrong, no problems killing attack, attack solving them peacefully and for the good of the nation.
AFD: We as a nation, we have many responsibilities, but we have not met. What do you think is most important so that there is insecurity?
Mr. Elisha Justice social and individual justice. The rights of every citizen to have forgotten.
AFD: And do you agree that all this comes from the family and values \u200b\u200bare inculcated in it?
Mr. Elisha Largely yes, but for example, a young man who wants to study and although his family is very honest, it is rejected, no longer has the same opportunities, then what future is left in society?
I have family who have left university and have no job because no jobs.
AFD: "But you think that is what we have to do?
Mr. Elisha Joining! I personally, unite around preaching justice that López Obrador, who is opposed to that oil is privatized and stolen the transnationals. AFD
: That is the heritage of the nation, we must take care.
Mr. Elisha Sure you can, take care. When we remove the oil, poor people of Mexico, because then we are worse off.
AFD: Elysee Lord, thank you very much, is all. Until then
Mr. Elisha Ande you. Thanks!
In this way, Mr. Elisha, a supporter of the ideals of AMLO, condemned the attempt to safeguard the fledgling peace security continues to haunt us. With shouts and protests, thousands of people like Mr. Elisha, raised their voices to demand an end to our national situation and the pair of launch criticism without fear of being silent about the work being done by our authorities.
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