government with one of the largest organizations of Muslims in Spain
The English Federation of Islamic Religious Entities denounced the "constant interference in their internal affairs" and accusing Zapatero Executive of "missing the required neutrality issues religious "to create the English Islamic Council
The intrusion of politics on issues affecting Islamic groups in Spain is creating problems. The president of the English Federation of Islamic Religious Entities (FEERI), Mohamed Hamed Ali, has denounced the "constant state inferences in the internal affairs of Muslims ."
This is manifested in a brief submitted by the FEERI on 6 April to all members of the Advisory Commission on Religious Freedom, the Ministry of Justice, convened by the Directorate General of International Legal Cooperation Confessions Relations, chaired by the Deputy Director General of Religious Affairs, José María Contreras.
Hamed Ali accused the government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero of "forced miss neutrality in religious matters, as required by art. 16 of the English Constitution, "according to a press release from the FEERI.
The Commission meeting was attended by representatives of all religious denominations in the State Agreement (the Catholic Church, Protestants, Muslims and Jews) as well as other denominations of "notary roots" (Orthodox, Buddhists, Mormons). Also present were representatives of different Ministries (Treasury, Defense, Health, Interior, Prime Minister's Office), and as guests, representatives of the Generalitat of Catalonia and the Basque Government.
was in the processing of requests and questions when FEERI president public read the document, "creating tension with the representatives of the Ministry of Justice, despite contrary evidence, denied the acts attributed by the representative of the Islamic faith, "says the note.
The text FEERI filed with the Commission, Hamed Ali warned of " constant Administration interference in the process of renewal and reorganization of the representation of Muslims in Spain, which currently is the sole responsibility of the Islamic Commission of Spain. "
The letter reminds the "Agreement of Cooperation with the English Islamic Commission of Spain (CIE) for the year 92", signed by both parties, "which are the two parties responsible for such an agreement" and warns that "no one can ignore, let alone the Ministry of Justice, The Agreement is a law (Law 26/1992). "
Thus, "we believe that any initiative to withdraw or modify both the whole as part of the Agreement, it shall be done according to the routes established by the articles of the Agreement itself," he adds.
"Therefore, we denounce that collaboration, advice and funding from the Government in creating a new entity called ' English Islamic Council ' UCIDE promoted by the member of the ICE and other Federations outside at this time it is an interference of the State itself in the internal affairs of Muslims "
the letter also states:" to argue that this new federation was caused by an alleged FEERI blocking the renewal of ICE is an injurious falsehood, and trying to integrate this new body circumventing the mechanism provided in the Agreement is a blatant illegality, "especially when" advised and financed by a sub and a public foundation under the Ministry of Justice. "
"I do not condone or tolerate the interference of some organs of government, who do not have sufficient authority or exhibit the necessary neutrality to properly represent the English state, "he argues.
"We warn all members of this Honorable Commission that the attitude of the Administration could set a negative precedent for the future of relations with religious denominations in general and in particular and Islamic Confession that can seriously injure, "he says Hamed Ali.